From 1865 to 1920, there was a significant transformation in American lives. The Industrial Revolution has made an important transition point in the history of America due to its daily influence.
After the Civil War, many unpredictable events transformed daily lives and built improvement. The Industrial Revolution affected farming, legislation, and manufacturing and enhanced prosperity. This led to increasing wealth and living standards.
The mining sector improved by using raw materials from factories quickly. Farm owners adapted industrial practices that saved time. Manufacturers used rail to transport their finished goods to market in less time. Railways became a profitable business by that time. American industrialization started.
By that time, the massive workload was abundant. The theme of the paper revolves around the development perspective due to industrialization after the Civil War.
American Industrialization and Development
“To understand the changes in the whole economy, there is a need to investigate each sector, such as society, politics, and economy.”
People became aware of industrialization and adopted changes that helped them improve their living standards. They focused on education and becoming technical in every manner. Mass production was the primary output due to American industrialization.
American Industrialization brought three main aspects. The first of them is urbanization.
Industrial expansion after the Civil War caused countries to populate. The country became increasingly urban, and the population increased, forcing the transportation system to be revolutionized.
Urban population growth was due to unprecedented immigration to the US in the twentieth century. After reconstruction, such migration developed segregation aspects of the African and American society.
Increased population raised the demand for products and living. Increased demand brought mass production, and business ventures expanded. Human beings are used as machines to develop and produce goods. This increased workload made legislators introduce laws for the protection of workers.
Secondly, transportation improvement increased per capita income. This stimulated entrepreneurship and technological innovation. New opportunities were created, and profit was earned.
Technological advances have developed several functions, such as cutting-edge developments in chemicals, electricity, steel, and automobiles. Thirdly, after the Civil War, the role of government came up front. Different government institutes facilitated businesses and entrepreneurs and modified new legislation to protect the labor force.
Democratic and Republican parties
The federal government worked to create a system of sound performance to maintain intellectual property rights.
After the Civil War, three groups emerged as the most influenced: politics, economy, and society. Policies evolved new ways of practice, and different parties presented their agenda to serve the public. Democratic and Republican parties united to perform for the betterment of the economy.
The economy faced increased demand for products. To meet that demand, production was raised, and supply was created. This led to mass production of products, innovative manufacturing techniques, and technical production in different sectors.
Financial institutes developed, and the federal government focused on achieving policy goals. National banks issued currency as bank notes for the bond holding.
The third specific group was society. Most importantly, women came into action. Industrialization developed the ways of the workforce, and women participated as working ladies in different sectors of the economy. The middle class benefited most from such transformation because it helped those over get jobs and improve their lives.
The invention of new technologies caused people to invest more in technical aspects so that further development could occur.
Adopting a profitable strategy for workers helped disseminate information and technological improvement. At the beginning of the colonial period, life was changed into a developed society with the presentation of industrial factories. In the 18th century, this process started for the first time in England.
It accelerated the socioeconomic, technological, and cultural factors there, and after that, they spread to the rest of the world. It occurred first in England due to people’s orientation towards a technology-based economy.
Colonies played a significant role in developing the economy to a technology-based atmosphere. The world’s leading settlements were due to a change and development. Due to valuable resources such as iron ore and coal, colonies built them towards a highly developed power that increased demand in other societies and initiated the rise of the factory system and mechanization.
Some disadvantages occurred since the Industrial Revolution was the most specific historical event, and the current capitalist world emerged as an industrialist society.
Disadvantages of Industrialization
Most of the community was capitalist, which tended to maintain that status quo, so inequality in wealth distribution stayed there. Accentuation of wealth, on the other hand, was the most prominent problem, which has changed its forms in modern times, but the central concept is identical.
The main criticism is against the large-scale industries that accelerated urbanization, hence a significant contribution to poverty and pollution. Overpopulation raises many issues, such as crimes, pollution, shortage of food, and increased demand for living necessities.
However, such growth is attributable to a population increase responsible for environmental hazards. American Industrialization also faced significant disadvantages.