November 29, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Economic Recession and its Causes

Economic Recession

The global financial crisis is a situation from 2007-08 that is an extreme situation after the 1930s great depression. This crisis has its breeding ground in the US for the subprime mortgage market.

This spread worldwide in the banking sector on September 15th, 2008, resulting in the collapse of Lehman Brothers’ investment bank. The crisis is aggravated by risk-taking banks worldwide, just like Lehman Brothers.

 It was not the only cause; many other factors were there.

The primary objectives of the great crisis of 2007-08 are below:

Causes of Economic Crisis

The leading cause of the great crisis was the peak US housing bubble busting during 2006-07. Russian and Asian crisis 1998 caused ease of access in the US, as the credit strength of foreign money overflow powered it.

This situation increased the construction of houses. These houses belonged mainly to the debt-financed clients. Since loans were readily available to potential homeowners, this caused prices to bloom.

Lax lending and continued real estate prices also contributed factors to the bursting of the bubble.

Loans were readily available, and clients started accumulating them. This caused a situation of mortgage-backed securities through invested loans and collateralized debt obligations.

This situation caused prices to decline because customers owned a lot of loans that could only be paid slowly.

It was attributable to the decrease in purchasing power. Housing construction showed low prices, and the homes created in that situation were less than the mortgage loans, so it caused most of the houses to close down.

Why the Economic Recession?

One more reason for the enormous Economic Recession of 2007 to 2018 was predatory lending. Predatory lending means the unfettered lenders enticing or influencing lenders to make the “unsafe” or “unsound” protected loans for reasons that were not appropriate.

Switch and bait methods, for example, are used for advertising by nationwide financial companies. They used the State’s interest rates for home financing.

These kinds of loans became very difficult to repay on the ultimate day. In the initial process, these loan contracts had very detailed documentation that was difficult for the borrowers to understand.

Customers would be told about the adaptable rates of mortgages, but the interest rates could be larger than the payments, causing crises.  In addition, product rise was also a big reason for the enormous Economic Crises from 2007 to 2018.

The unrestrained increase in the price of many products, such as oil prices that led to thesing bubble was a fall of the hou significant investment in the market.

Many investors believed this kind of investment would make them a profit.

The Economic Growth

Oil prices increased, and the purchasing power of customers reduced. Consumers started investing their finances in gasoline. It created a down pressure on the growth of the economy.

Mainly, this affected those economies involved in oil import because it made the flow of wealth to oil-producing countries.

This was attributable to crippling the consumers spending power and is a leading cause of the 2007-08 great economic recession.

Many commodities saw a boost in prices, like copper, because it was among those products that most countries relied on. For instance, an increase in price compelled copper price to rise by $7040 per ton in 2018.

The economic recession of 2007-08 spread many spillovers across the globe. For instance, consumer power to spend declined to a large extent, and they faced a massive burden of loans in the form of increased prices of commodities.