July 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Movie Reviews

Le Grand Voyage and the Spirituality

In the movie, ‘le grand voyage’, the relationship of the father and son characterizing a perspective of attaining pilgrimage. Father is so inclined towards Islamic practices that he fosters his son to drive him to the holy place. There is the clear non-commitment as appeared from the son since he was not willing to go […]

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20 Super Mammoth Monuments and Statues in the World

Iconic symbol by sculptures are famous around the world. In the same way, monuments are amorate extraordinary life, historical figures, symbol to comme or some special event. They mesmerize us and leave us in a state of surprise. When you stand beside a sculpture, it takes your breath away. Super Mammoth List That Will Astonish […]

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Do You Know About Lake Grande Condo

The latest new launch from condo through MCL Land is the excellent Lake Grande Condo. At the start of the weekend, MCL decided to sell the 636-710 units at Lake Grande. The average price paid by buyers is $1,368, and most of the buyers belonged to Singapore, i.e., 17 out of 20 customers. After the […]

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LifeStyle World

World’s Most Costly Foods with Instilled Edible Gold

Edible gold is in food fashion, e.g., for the décor of drink and foods since the 16th century. In the modern era, it is common to high-class restaurants. This seems very appealable, though, they are heavy on the wallet. The costly food items with real edible gold are here: Golden Sushi One of the famous […]

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Top 10 Places in Iran That You Must Visit

Top 10 Places in Iran That You Must Visit Iran is the heart of civilization, heritage, architecture, and culture from a long time. The early Persia was one of the most significant realms of ancient history. It starts from Indian borders to the Middle East and from Anatolia to North Africa. Iran proffers spectacular natural […]

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