February 12, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Role of Nurse & Patient Safety

Role of Nurse

It is the vigilance of nurse that helps her ensure the safety of the patient. Nurses stay with patient whole time, take care of patients and support them morally.

Role of nurse in monitoring patient, providing strong measures, detecting errors and understanding process of care is significant. Nurses ensure on-time delivery of health services to patients and provide quality care.

Nurses’ Care for Patients

Patients’ physical, spiritual and emotional needs are related to nursing because patient response according to treatment is attributable to these factors. Monitoring these factors is essential to provide health assurance.

The concept of good nurses and bad nurses can be differentiated by number of patients assigned to them. To get quality care, a reasonable number of patients, i.e., which is five, should be attached to nursing.

Patient safety and nurse staffing ratio is different in different health sectors. If the number of patients per nurse increases, quality care will decline, and increased patient turnover is related to the enhanced risk of mortality. The role of nurse in patient safety focuses on the quality of circumstances.

Less educated nurses cannot provide quality healthcare, and hence their performance is not based on ethical standards. In 2011, increased ratio of patient turnover was estimated due to high risk of mortality.

There are many factors that are considered as risk factors. It is nursing skill mix, i.e., expertise and professional experience.  On the job training is essential for nurse performance. Positive role of nurse is attributable to the necessary training and skill development. Baccalaureate education is critical to ensure nurses productivity. Medical residency training play vital role to deal the system issues.

Nurses are at high risk of committing errors due to the high intensity of work nature. In a study, operational failure occurred due to equipment failure by nurses. Moreover, medication administration errors have been seen in different patients that represent workload on nurses.