July 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

What is The Dialectic Process

The dialectic process is the change that occurs due to some action, any act, or a process, and the responsible body is an opposing force. There are three main stages in the dialectic process, i.e., thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The hypothesis is a set of arguments or rules necessary to carry out a process, as […]

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Plato and Aristotle and their Philosophy

Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, presented many philosophical theories based on Western thought.  Socrates was his teacher, and he was Aristotle’s Teacher. His famous writings showed the touch of beauty, justice, philosophy, equality, and theology with the aesthetics. Under the epistemology and language philosophy, the Academy of Plato and Aristotle was built in Athens. This […]

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Augustine and Epistemology

Epistemology tends to refer to a theory of knowledge. Famous scholar Augustine discussed in detail the mutual relationship between God’s omniscience and human freedom. Augustine and Epistemology are based on two truths: God is responsible for every occurrence in this universe, and people have the liberty of choice. However, Augustine never argued that the actions […]

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