April 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Platonic Dualism and Metaphysics

Philosophy of life in metaphysics explains the concept of the existence of God. The philosophy explains how the world exists and what the reality behind it is. The idea of life relies on the identification of physical world and the external world. It is also relevant to the concept of death that explains how human life ends.  The Socratic philosophy of life illustrates the conception of metaphysics. Platonic dualism acts as a resolution.

The concept of being presented in platonic dualism solves the mind-body problem. The main concerns of duality are the belief in good and bad or God and devil. Dualism has relevance with monism while the theory explains the connection between mind and body. It also describes the relationship between the physical and mental world.

Platonic Dualism and The Concept of Life

The mind-body problem explains the connection between the physical world and the mental world. Plato conferred the idea that humans are capable of possessing both physical and mental properties. The physical features include the observable traits of humans such as weight, size, height, and motion. The psychological properties involve thoughts, IQ, and behaviors.


The concepts of mental and physical properties are more realistic as they explain human beings and the reasons for their existence.

The platonic dualism promotes the belief that God is good and the supreme authority capable of taking decisions regarding the world. Plato’s idea that God is good illustrates that people must follow the rules and standards explained by religion.

Rejecting the values of religion will make the world a wrong and less peaceful place for living.  Religious themes are also apparent in teaching the philosophy of life.

The epistemology of God allows humans to distinguish between right and wrong.  The idea is also useful in keeping the world in ordered and organized form.

The philosophical views of good and bad are crucial in defining human personality. The properties are also useful in explaining consciousness through emotions, feelings, and experiences.

The discussion on mental properties is more relevant to understand human actions. As their conscious mental events become visible in their personalities. The concepts of mental and physical properties solve the problems of consciousness and unconsciousness. It further explains that the explicate nature of mind has the significant impact on the behaviors and attitudes of humans.

The physical world is the empirical world. However, dualists think that the physical and mental worlds are both real. The problems of thought and consciousness are relevant to the mental world as it relies on the mental events. Platonic dualism is useful in understanding how mind and soul work and define their relationship.

Philosophical views of Plato on mind-body are essential as they play the vital role in explaining the reasoning behind immaterial entities and their position.

It is crucial to understand the concept of death, remaining the only force behind the separation of mind and body. The ideas are realistic and applicable to the current world settings as it allows understanding of what happens to souls when the human dies.

It also proves the metaphysical, epistemological question, supporting the immortality of the soul. Plato transmits the idea that souls are everlasting and the end of the physical world does not affect souls.