July 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Famous Scientific Inventions by Female Contributors

In history, few women participated to made great inventions and discoveries. This raised a misconception that only a few women had contributed to the science but the truth is callous. Many discoveries by women robbed by men  not known yet and hidden in this male-dominated society. This Scientific fact is here with some significant developments. […]

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These Creepy Cars Designs are Fantastic

A square box with four wheels is known as car and what people see and drive daily is similar almost. If you love excellent and unusual creepy cars, here is that list that might be your dream car. Watch out top styles that appear weird too made ever. Stout Scarab William Bushnell designed this car […]

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LifeStyle World

World’s Most Costly Foods with Instilled Edible Gold

Edible gold is in food fashion, e.g., for the décor of drink and foods since the 16th century. In the modern era, it is common to high-class restaurants. This seems very appealable, though, they are heavy on the wallet. The costly food items with real edible gold are here: Golden Sushi One of the famous […]

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Most Corrupt Nations of the World That You Never Knew

According to the Transparency International (TI), how corrupt your country is possible to know. This scale is Corruption Perception Index (CPI), devised in 1996, can rank the states by corruption. According to it, Corruption is the misuse of a power of public for private benefit’. CPI has rated 168 countries on a scale, ranging from […]

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Most Fantastic Natural Phenomenon of the World for Visitors

Visual treats worldwide are common, and earth facilitates us for this. Decoration, light shows, and fireworks, all are fantastic. Tourists in thousands number enjoy the firsthand experience of nature’s serenity. For you, a list of fantastic natural phenomenon is here that astound tourists each year and the most amazing event in the world. Aurora Borealis […]

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Top 10 Places in Iran That You Must Visit

Top 10 Places in Iran That You Must Visit Iran is the heart of civilization, heritage, architecture, and culture from a long time. The early Persia was one of the most significant realms of ancient history. It starts from Indian borders to the Middle East and from Anatolia to North Africa. Iran proffers spectacular natural […]

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